happy birthday to all! today is "ren ri"..
time passes by so fast! it's the seventh day of the lunar month already..
last friday, kailing came to my mum at 6plus in the morning and helped all the way till 9 plus 10 at night..
the morning crowd was a horror..the whole stall was packed with people.literally 人山人海,川流不息。 all of us, including the workers at my mum stall were "pek cek" from serving all the customers. those aunties were really the typical singaporean- kiasu! a lot of them were at my mum stall as early as 5.30am..my dad had to lock the gates to keep them out. gosh! then around 3-4 zhen wei came and help too. the crowd at night though not as much as the morning, but was more compared to last year.
saturday morning pris and kailing came and help. crowd was more than the friday night crowd. so many of them wanted to place orders but we couldn't help them cuz we cant remember all of their orders.
anyway, though its a bit late..but, thank you my dears for helping out!!
then comes sunday! the first day of CNY!
nearly got dragged out of bed by dad at 8am =.=
then dad made breakfast and then we set off for grandma house.
didn't manage to meet shauna this year though =[
i was at my grandma's house all the way till 2pm. playing cards with my cousins, didn't gamble though.haha
then went home and waited for my maternal cousins to come.
dad cooked a spread of delicious food.yum^^
then we took a few pictures.



isn't Xenon cute!!!

heh..retarded shot!!

and that's clarence and me!